I’m keeping my cousin this week, and this afternoon I went to Hobby Lobby to use my gift cards I’ve racked up over the past half year.
When in the bead/necklace/etc aisle, he found this pendant that looked like a sword. He asked if he could have it, and since it was only $3 and was in a super good mood (I’m at Hobby Lobby with gift cards, of course I was in a good mood), I said sure.
Then he said he changed his mind, he wanted one of the cross pendants. I said fine, because it was the same price. He said he wanted the cross to ward off vampires. Then he asked if he could have both, so I was like, sure. So he goes on about how this necklace he’s making is going to ward off vampires, and there’s 4 or 5 other people in the aisle and I know they hear him, so I just go, “Yeah, it’s always good to be prepared, isn’t it.”
So then we get over the aisle of wooden things (shapes for painting and stuff), and he wants this wooden cross. Like he’s Giles stocking up for the vampire apocalypse or something. So it’s $2, so I told him to get it.
Now he’s sitting on the couch with the wooden cross, and his necklace with the cross and sword on it, and he’s been telling me about how it’s going to ward off vampires and is it a good idea, etc, etc. I finally said, “What’s gotten you on the vampire slaying kick?”
And he said, “I guess I found my true calling.”
But anyway yeah I bought a butt load of stuff… even after my gift cards, I still had to pay $60. It was all just completely random stuff, too… I felt kinda like I was in a shopping spree and was just grabbing whatever looked interest.
Red flipflops? What did I need this for?